The Font Image Library 3.0 helps you keep track of all your fonts. Both loaded and unloaded. Prints out great sample lists. It is shareware for only $5.
Version History
1.0-1.3 Released uner the name Font Library
2.0 - Released without an icon
• This version is faster and uses menus. Not all features have been added, but it faster, sleeker, better, cooler, and all around more Mac like than version 1.3.
2.0.1 - Released with an icon and these notes
2.5beta - Options, Help, Color, and more added.
2.8j - Larger display, better print outs of low rez fonts, better controls, and more.
3.0 - Faster, Much faster. Also allows you to add only certain fonts and cancel the addition of fonts. And even a bigger display on 14" monitors or bigger.